725 Bateswood Dr. Houston, TX 77079
Mon - Fri 8am to 4pm
We love our volunteers! To get involved, check out the current positions below. At certain times of year, our lobby greeter position fills up. If we receive your request, we will be in discussion with you about the current need.
Click here to be routed directly to a list of tourament specific needs.
Click here to be routed directly to a list of tourament specific needs.
Click here to be routed directly to a list of Casino Night specific needs.
The foot traffic in our building is constant. Our Lobby Greeter will station at the front reception to greet guests. This person must be personable and carry an overall positive attitude.
Step 1: Please fill out a background check and apply here.
Step 2: Please email us in the form below to let us know you have done step 1.
Thanks in advance for your interest to serve at the Outreach Center of West Houston!
Please follow the instructions in the drop down above for the position you are trying to apply for.
If you still have questions, please fill out the form below.
725 Bateswood Dr. Houston, TX 77079
14053 Memorial Dr. #442, Houston, TX 77079
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