725 Bateswood Dr. Houston, TX 77079
Mon - Fri 8am to 4pm
The ArtReach Market, hosted by and benefiting the Outreach Center of West Houston, is back! No tickets necessary. The public can just show up because entry to this event is FREE! Guests will enjoy a...
The Outreach Center of West Houston is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization wth the mission is to connect people with the resources they need to improve their lives, create stronger communities, and build better futures. We do that by partnering with and helping grow local nonprofits. 12 nonprofts are currently housed at the center. This fundraiser helps us keep our doors open and rent rates down.
Our tax EIN is 76-0518235.
*To keep entry to this event free, your sponsorship and donations are critical, highly valued, and appreciated.
(Click the headers below to navigate to your desired topics of interest. )
Become a Sponsor
We have several sponsorship levels available. Each opportunity provides different benefits for your contribution.
Naming rights and your name/logo included on event signage, social posts, website & flyer.
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Your name/logo included on event signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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Your name/logo included on zone signage, social post shout-out, & website. Sign up now!
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***To download a printable sponsor form, click here.***
Otherwise, use the button below to become a sponsor online.
For any questions, please contact the Outreach Center of West Houston Direcot of Communications & Events, Natalie Lerner, or call us at 281-497-7211.
Date: November 2, 2024
Time: 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Location: Outreach Center of West Houston, 725 Bateswood Dr., Houston, TX 77079
Who can have a 10x10 booth?: Fine Artists, Craft Artisans, Up & Coming Artists, and Nonprofits
Booth Zones:
Artists can be found in four zones:
Fine Artist Zone - These are pro level artists in all medium types.
Up & Coming Artist Zone - These are students or those rather new to the artist scene in all medim types
Artisan Zone -These are artists who craft or make items that are not regularly wall adournments.
Nonprofit Zone - These are organizations who are selling or auctioning off items made by their constituents to help tell the story of their mission.
*If somone is wanting to provide and art activity, that will be in the Kids & Craft Zone.
Fee: Non-refundable $15 Application Fee; Non-refundable $75 Booth Fee if accepted by jury. (Up & Coming Artists do not have booth fees.)
Application Deadline: October, 2024
Artist Notification of Jury Results: Within a week from deadline.
Artist Booth Payment Deadline: A week from your approval date.
Art Categories/Definitions:
Apothecary: soaps, lotions, candles, etc.
Ceramics: Original clay and porcelain work. Jewelry is not included in this category. Each piece must be signed.
Culinary arts
Digital computer art: Submissions executed by an artist using a computer, with an original image and/or manipulation of other source material. Work in this category must be in limited editions, signed and numbered on archival quality materials. Traditional photography is not included in this category. Photos taken through a digital media should apply in the photography category.
Drawing/Pastels: This category includes submissions in chalk, charcoal, pastels, pencil, wax crayon, etc. or from the fluid medium of inks and washes applied by pen or brush.
Fiber: Wearable or non-wearable work created from fibers including basketry, embroidery, weaving, leatherwork, tapestry and papermaking.
Glass: No mass production is permitted.
Jewelry: Submissions may include work produced from metal, glass, clay, fiber, paper, plastic or other materials.
Metal: This category includes non-sculptural, non-jewelry submissions crafted from metals.
2D Mixed Media: Category includes work that incorporates more than one type of physical material in their production, with one or more of the following: Paint, pencil, watercolor, photography, printmaking or drawing.
3D Mixed Media: Category includes work that incorporates more than one type of physical material in their production, with more than one of the following: clay work, fiber, glass, metal, wood, or any other 3-D objects.
Painting - Oil/Acrylic: Works created in oil or acrylic. Numbered and signed prints are allowed.
Painting - Watercolor: Work created in watercolor. Numbered and signed prints are allowed.
Photography: Photographic prints made from the artist's original image, which have been processed by that artist, or under his or her direct supervision, are included in this category. Photographers are required to disclose both their creative and printing processes on prints which have been properly signed and numbered as a limited edition.
Printmaking/Graphics: Hand-pulled prints in which the artist manipulated the plates, stones or screens and which have been properly signed and numbered as a limited edition. Photocopy and/or offset reproductions will be rejected. Printmakers are encouraged to do their own printing which has been processed by the artist, or under his/her direct supervision. Printmakers are required to disclose both their creative and printmaking processes.
Sculpture: Three-dimensional works done in any medium.
Wood: Original works in wood that are hand-tooled, machine-worked, turned or carved are accepted in this category.
Other: will require description/explanation
Images Required: 4-10 images, unless a nonprofit organization in the nonprofit zone
Payment Requirements: See above
Artist Access: Artists will have designated parking within walking distance. Entry for all guests is free.
Artists Sharing a Booth: Booth sharing is allowed. One application per booth in this case.
Artist Guidelines:
Artist may only present art within the category applied for
Artist statement/description - 100 characters
URL to your work if available must be shared
Link to 4-10 images of your work must be shared, unless a nonprofit organization in the nonprofit zone
No refunds for inclement weather or other causes. This is a rain or shine event.
Cannot guarantee wi-fi.
Artist/nonprofit must present with their work for the entire time the festival is open
All artists are responsible for collecting and paying State of Texas sales tax, 8.25%
Certificate of insurance stating Outreach Center of West Houston as an additonal insured if entity has insurance. All parties must sign the waiver either way.
Sales: Suggested tax deductible donation, 20% of sales, made to Outreach Center of West Houston would be deeply appreciated, but is not required. Use this link.
Promotions: Accepted artist agrees ArtReach Market (Outreach Center of West Houston) may use submitted jury images for website, promotional, or publicity purposes.
*Outreach Center of West Houston and their ArtReach committee members reserve the right to determine best placement of festival activities, booth, and all elements of ArtReach Market on November 2, 2024. They also reserve the right to determine if a booth vendor/artist/food truck will need to be removed from the festival due to conduct or not meeting guidelines.
*No nudity, weapons, political, or offensive art will be permitted. All artists will be approved by a jury with the guideline taken into consideration.
Tents, tables, and chairs: All artists are required to bring their own 10x10 tents, tables, and chairs.
Electrical: No electricity provisions will be provided.
Set-up and breakdown: Artists will receive their installation time slot with acceptance notification from jury
Safety: Weights for tents required.
Festival Layout: Use this link.
Jury is made up of acclaimed visual artists and curators.
How images are viewed by jurors: Computer monitor
Within a medium category, applications are sorted and viewed by: Random order
Jurors score applications using the following scale: Yes, No, or Maybe
Number of jurors scoring applications:
The show organizes the jurors for a: Single jury panel that scores applications for all medium categories
Am I allowed to observe the jury process? Jury process is closed
Email Natalie Lerner, Outreach Center of West Houston Director of Communications & Events, to inquire about what it would take to be a business vendor or food truck at this year's ArtReach Market.
It takes volunteers like you to make big ideas happen. If you want to be a part of establishing an iconic West Houston event that the community will look forward to each year, then we need you. You are just who we are looking for. Click the button below to sign up for a volunteer slot.
725 Bateswood Dr. Houston, TX 77079
14053 Memorial Dr. #442, Houston, TX 77079
© 2024 All Rights Reserved Outreach Center of West Houston
Website powered by Neon One