725 Bateswood Dr. Houston, TX 77079
Mon - Fri 8am to 4pm
You'd like to rent our facility? That's great!
The Outreach Center of West Houston is currently home to ten nonprofits and service organizations. In addition to hosting full and part time tenants, we also have several flex spaces available for use by the general public. (Nonprofit/service work is a requirement when we grant use of our facilty.)
Over the years, we have hosted a wide array of community gatherings, including blood drives, summer camps, HOA meetings, professional development classes, networking meetings, conferences, luncheons, banquets, and so much more!
Check out our spaces below, and then send us a message on the form further down this page. We will then discuss how you plan to use the space. If it is a good fit, we will schedule a tour and collect the proper documentation to get you all set and ready to go.
We love hosting our neighbors and the Greater Houston community. We look forward to hearing from you!
725 Bateswood Dr. Houston, TX 77079
14053 Memorial Dr. #442, Houston, TX 77079
© 2024 All Rights Reserved Outreach Center of West Houston
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